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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Title of Lesson:How Can A Teacher Discover the Multiple Intelligences Preferences of His/Her Students Through A Community Building Activity? Part 3

When mentoring our pre-service and in-service teachers we need to describe and model both research-based and clinically tested best practices. This is one of many lessons we will be sharing on teaching Judaic content, lesson planning, models of teaching, differentiated and individualized instruction and learning activities designed to transform the classroom into a Jewish community of cooperative learners. The title of this lesson is “How can a teacher discover the multiple intelligences preferences of his or her students through a community building activity”? Since there are 13 elements in each lesson plan we will divide this lesson plan into five parts. Here are the first and second parts of this lesson on how a teacher can discover the multiple intelligence preferences of their students. The third part of this lesson follows.

4. The teacher facilitates a classroom discussion on how the 24 behavioral statements (e.g. 1. Plays a musical instrument________________) relate to the seven multiple intelligences (i.e. MUSICAL/RHYTHMIC and BODY/KINESTHETIC). See the key for this exercise at the top of this post.

5. The teacher poses this statement and question: "We see how students can self-identify their multiple intelligences preferences. Now what other ways can a teacher determine a student's preferred learning style or multiple intelligences?" The teacher facilitates a classroom discussion on the question posed.

Note: Here are the student responses you hope to elicit from them during the discussion.

Four Methods To Determine a Student’s Learning Styles

and Multiple Intelligence (MI) Preferences

1. Teacher Observation: When teaching a complex lesson or unit such as the one on Hachnasat Orchim described in chapter three in the Toolbox the teacher notices and records which students respond best to visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile stimuli. The teacher also records the names of students who especially enjoy doing verbal, mathematical, musical, and artistic activities.

2. Student Interview: The teacher asks students to describe their learning preferences. You may find that many of your students already know that they like hands-on, drawing, reading, writing, music, or problem-solving activities.

3. Parent Interview: Many parents and guardians welcome the opportunity to meet you, the teacher, and discuss the special needs of their children. These meetings serve many purposes, not only to learn about a child’s learning differences and preferences, but also to provide a way to enhance parent-teacher communication.

4. Assessments: Assessments are measures to determine what a student knows. As teachers we can create simple assessments to measure a student’s learning style and multiple intelligences preferences. Here are four sample assessment questions which can be done either orally or kinesthetically (i.e. students raising their hands).

Four Sample Learning Style Assessment Questions

1. When learning a new word, do you prefer to see it (visual), sound it out (auditory), or write it down (kinesthetic and tactile)?

2. When you meet a new person, do you prefer to watch him (visual), listen to him (auditory), or get him to stop talking, and do some activity with him (kinesthetic)?

3. When given a class activity, do you prefer to watch how it is done (visual), listen to how it is done (auditory), or do it (kinesthetic and tactile)?

4. Let’s say your teacher wants to show you how to make latkes, what would be your favorite part of the activity? Would it be seeing how it is made (visual), hearing how it is made (auditory), making it (kinesthetic and tactile), eating it (gustatory), or smelling the latke (olfactory)?

In the next post we will share the fourth part of a five part lesson on what a teacher can do to discover the multiple intelligences preferences of his or her students through a community building activity.

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